In Which time Mom starts playing

January 1, 2016 I first started practicing on the practice chanter, I was 34. I figured, “I take these kids to band rehearsal each week and sit in the hallway for two hours, mostly listening to them play and halfway reading a book, but more listening, and I love the bagpipes so much, what’s stopping me from giving it a shot…at least learn a little while I’m waiting.” Continue reading “In Which time Mom starts playing”

Noah’s start on practice

Noah was with us at the Saint Patrick’s Party at the Parmans. He heard Liam play and enjoyed it as well. I think both of us were pretty excited about the opportunity for him to learn to play the pipes and join the band at it’s start. As stated, this was March 2015.

Noah, age 9, started with the first band rehearsal in May 2015, which was really just practice for him on the practice chanter with Andrea Jones and Scott MacKay from Loch Norman Pipe Band (this is the band and pipers who began this small band) I’m pretty sure Liam and John were the only members at the beginning.

Continue reading “Noah’s start on practice”