Noah received a full ride to Bagpipe Camp, North American Academy of Piping and Drumming from the Scottish Heritage Society. Continue reading “In Which Noah goes to Bagpipe Camp”
A scary video
of me playing Prince Charles Welcome to Lochaber. I think I have had the pipes in my hands for not quite 2 months at this point.
In Which we start private lessons and get friends to join the band
June 27, 2016 Noah and I started our first private lessons with Andrea in her home. Noah got a piece to play for a solo competition. And she explained to me which tunes to memorized and play on the pipes sot hat I could play with the juvenile band. And in one month I could start working on a solo competition piece also for Grade 4 Senior competition. I would probably compete in that in about a year. YIPPEEEE!!! Continue reading “In Which we start private lessons and get friends to join the band”
In Which We get competition tunes
June 6, 2016 I got my first solo competition tune, “Prince Charles Welcome to Lochaber”, a 2/4 march. Andrea said I can work on this for Grade 4 solo competition. Continue reading “In Which We get competition tunes”
Noah’s first competition on practice chanter
May, 2016 Noah competed solor grade 5 jr in the practice chanter with “Brown Haired Maiden”. He won, he was the only competitor. Nick Hudson was his judge. At the Greenville SC Games. Continue reading “Noah’s first competition on practice chanter”